Corvallis Guitar Society Events in 2024

Bringing Local Guitarists Out of the Woodwork

  • We are now taking two months off as usual in the middle of summer this year.
  • Our next Guitar Society Meeting will be on Monday September 9th , 2024 (second Monday of the month) at Odd Fellows Hall and will begin at 7:15 pm; free and open to the public.
  • Cameron O’Conner will establish our Featured Artists for the rest of 2024.
  • Isaac Engel will be running the Ensemble Session again starting in September, and all three pieces are provided by Andrew Forrest, and you can see them listed below. 😊
  • The Open Stage will also be an opportunity for anyone to play classical guitar music – beginners, intermediate, and advanced!
  • The After School Guitar Program Lessons are not taking place in September, and will return and start performing in October by Isaac Engel, and Jacob Ripley.
  • And we plan to establish a Festival event in November here in Corvallis.

Ensemble Scores & Parts
1) Berceuse – Faure

2) Traditional Chinese Folk Song – Bai Mudan

3) Traditional Chinese Statements – Hong Dou Ci

Here are Online Recordings of The Ensemble Pieces
You can listen to these on the website, and also practice playing along together with them before coming to the Guitar Society at Odd Fellows.

  1. Berceuse – Faure (This one is actually on YouTube)
  2. Traditional Chinese Folk Song – Bai Mudan
  3. Traditional Chinese Statements – Hong Dou Ci

Best Regards

Jon Sharp
President Corvallis Guitar Society