Ensemble Sheet Music for April 3rd Guitar Society Meeting

Please find below the music scores for the open ensemble session at the upcoming Guitar Society Meeting on April 6th. I am delighted that our member Martin Erwig is treating us to another composition that he has written for the Society titled “Sigh of Relief”. He has included an MP3 file so you can hear what it sounds like. Thank you Martin!
I have also included an MP3 file for La Paloma to help anyone who wishes to practice their part in the context of the whole piece.
Please download the parts, decide which ones you wish to play, and bring a copy along with your guitar and music stand to the meeting. Don’t worry if you don’t want to play all the pieces. If some seem too hard, then simplify your part. Just join in wherever you wish and have fun!

The Greenwood Tree


Spanish_Harlem Arr Bill Tyers


La Paloma

The following piece Mysterious Barricades by Francois Couperin will be played at the meeting on May 1st. I am posting it now to give folks more time to look at it.
Mysterious Barricades

Guitar Society Meeting April 3rd

The agenda for the April 3rd Meeting is as follows:
7:00 – 7:05pm Welcome
7:05 – 7:40pm Open Ensemble: bring your guitar, footstool and join in. Music can be downloaded from the website one week ahead of time.
7:40 – 8:10pm Open Stage: please share your music with us – all ages and abilities welcome.
8:10 – 8:20pm BREAK and Refreshments
8:20 – 9:00pm Featured Artist Ryan Walsh

Entrance is FREE and open to the public (donations gratefully received).
Location: Odd Fellows Hall, 223 SW 2nd St, Corvallis, OR 97333. The entrance is between New Morning Bakery and Sedlaks Boots and Shoes.

Music for the ensemble session will be posted to the website one week ahead of the meeting.

Ensemble Sheet Music for March 6th Guitar Society Meeting

Below is the music we will be playing during the open ensemble session at the March 6th Guitar Society meeting. Please download the music, decide which parts you wish to play, and bring them along. Don’t worry if you can’t play all of it, the goal is to have people join in and have fun! Please note that we will begin where we left off last time in the Three’s Company set which is No. 3 Askham, then move onto No. 4. We will not play No’s 1 & 2. The parts for Zephyr are posted individually (just pick one to play) along with an MP3 file so you can hear what it sound like. See you on the 6th!

Threes Company Scores & Parts


Tango chacabuco

Spanish_Harlem Arr Bill Tyers