Check out this video from Scott as he discusses the music he will be performing for us at the Society meeting on Monday, October 4th and describes a little bit about his background. This is going to be great, don’t miss it 🙂
Ensemble Session Music Scores for October 3rd Society Meeting
Here are the music scores for the ensemble session at our upcoming meeting on Monday October 3rd. Please download the music and decide which part(s) you wish to play and bring them along to the meeting. The Joropo piece is one we will probably work on over a couple of meetings. See you there!
Upcoming Guitar Society Meeting, Monday October 3rd
The next Guitar Society meeting will be on Monday October 3rd. It will take place as usual on the third floor of Gracewinds Music, Downtown Corvallis (please use rear entrance). I am delighted to welcome classical guitarist Scott Kritzer from Portland as our featured artist for the evening. Scott is an internationally recognized and critically acclaimed guitarist with a long concert career including performances at Carnegie Hall and the renowned Wigmore Hall in London. This is a great opportunity to hear, talk to, and learn from a true professional with a rich career. Don’t miss it!
You can find out more about Scott Kritzer on his website:
We will begin the meeting with a group ensemble session in which everyone is invited to participate. The ensemble will include beginner to intermediate level music – don’t feel like you need to be an expert, just bring your guitar along and join in; the only objective is to have some fun trying to play some music together! The scores will be posted to the website a week ahead of time so feel free to download it and decide what part(s) you wish to play.
The ensemble session will be followed by an open stage session where everyone is invited to get on stage and share some music with us. All ages and ability levels are welcome.
The agenda for the October 3rd Meeting is as follows:
7:00 – 7:05pm     Welcome
7:05pm to 7:30pm Open Ensemble: bring your guitar, footstool and join in. Music can be downloaded from the website one week ahead of time.
7:30 – 8:10pm Open Stage: please share your music with us – all ages and abilities welcome
8:10 – 8:20 pm BREAK and Refreshments
8:20pm – 9pm Featured Artist Scott Kritzer