Bringing Local Guitarists Out of the Woodwork
- Our next Guitar Society Meeting is on Monday January 6th (first Monday of the month) at Odd Fellows Hall and will begin at 7:15 pm; free and open to the public.
- Aaron Haas is ourFeatured Artist guitarists😊
- Isaac Engle will be running the Ensemble Session; three of the music scores are available (see below), and the fourth one you need to select from Isaac on his email – see details below.
- The Open Stage is an opportunity for anyone to play classical guitar music – beginners, intermediate, and advanced!
- The After School Guitar Program is going to take place on Monday January 6th at 6:00pm run by Isaac Engel, and on Monday 20th at 7:00pm run by Jacob Ripley.
Corvallis Guitar Society Monthly Meeting
Our next monthly meeting is on Monday, January 6th , 7:15pm – 9:15pm
Venue: Odd Fellows Hall, 223 SW 2nd St, Corvallis
Free & Open to the Public
The Agenda
7:15 – 7:20 pm Welcome
7:20 – 7:50 pm Open Guitar Ensemble: See below for the Guitar Ensemble music – everyone is welcome to play in the group!
7:50 – 8:20 pm Open Stage: beginners, intermediates, and advanced guitarists are all welcome to come and share their music with us.
8:20 – 8:30 pm BREAK and Refreshments
8:30 – 9:15 pm Aaron Haas is our Featured Artist Guitarist 😊
Featured Artist Aaron Haas

Aaron Haas is a professional classical guitarist and an avid meditation practitioner, exploring both the depths of the musical experience and the silence from where it arises. After a late start to the guitar at age 16, Aaron earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music at Skidmore College and then went to study with Italian virtuoso Lorenzo Micheli for two years in Milan, Italy. Upon returning to the United States, he completed both a Master of Music at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2015, and then a Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Southern California in 2019, both while serving as a teaching assistant. He now lives and teaches in Los Angeles where he performs regularly with soprano Anastasia Malliaras in their group: Duo Apollon. The two were selected as winners of the Beverley Hills Auditions in 2019 and are just now finishing their debut CD.
– Bravo 😊
Open Guitar Ensemble
Isaac Engel is running the Open Guitar Ensemble in which anyone is welcome to participate.
When you look at the pieces, decide which part you wish to play, and maybe let Isaac know ahead of time – his email is [email protected] and bring the music with you to the Guitar Society meeting.
Here are the Four Pieces of music for the Ensemble Session:
We will be playing three of the pieces by Andrew Forrest, and we will play the fourth piece by Derek Hasted.
From the Forrest Ensemble Series that include the three pieces arranged by Andrew Forrest can be clicked on here:
- Number 7 = The South Wind – An Irish Air
Notes: this piece is brisk but simple. We’ll start at 95 bpm and increase the tempo as we’re able. Parts 2 – 4 are friendly to beginners, with part 4 being the easiest. - Number 3 = Now, Oh Now I Needs Must Part – John Downland
Notes: this piece is slow and melancholy. Parts 2 and 3 have occasional rhythmic complexities. Part 1 is played in higher positions but is simple enough to provide a great practice opportunity for those positions. Part 4 is again the easiest. - Number 4 = Aire (from the Water Music) – G.F. Handel
Notes: this piece is in 2/2, so the music will feel fast even at a slow tempo. Part 3 is the easiest in this piece, with Parts 1 and 4 being equally important to the music. - Mr. Blue Sky – ELO are. Derek Hasted
For this one, you need to receive the music for Mr. Blue Sky, please email [email protected], so that we follow copyright regulations by not publicly sharing the music.
Notes: this is a wonderfully fun piece! Part 1 is the most rhythmically challenging, but parts 2 and 3 feature some heavier than usual chord playing. Part 4 is pretty friendly, but this piece moves along quickly!
Only One Recording of The Ensemble Pieces:
- The South Wind – An Irish Air You can listen to this one on the website
Open Stage
The Open Stage at the Corvallis Guitar Society monthly meeting is available for anyone to play their own music featuring beginner, intermediate, and advanced. So, bring your guitar and plan on performing a piece 😊
Guitar Teaching Lessons
The Guitar Program Lessons will return and start performing in January this month by Isaac Engel, and Jacob Ripley.
The After School Guitar Program is free and open to the public. Focusing on mid and high school students, the goal is to raise their awareness and understanding of the guitar instrument by featuring group lessons, private lessons and ensemble music.
Jacob also provides Community Beginning Lesson for people of all ages, so anyone can come for this lesson.
Feel free to come along and meet up with Jacob and Isaac at their sessions if you are interested.
For more information contact Jacob on [email protected] or phone 541 357 2513, or contact Isaac Engel [email protected] or phone 971 718 4535 and you can view his website:
Times are as follows:
The First Monday on January 6th at Odd Fellows Hall – Isaac Engel
6:00pm to 7:00pm is the After School Guitar Program (group lesson and ensemble)
The Third Monday on January 20th at Odd Fellows Hall – Jacob Ripley
7:00 – 8:30pm is the After School Guitar Program group lesson & the Community Beginning group lesson.
Entrance to the above events is free and open to the public (donations gratefully received). Location:Odd Fellows Hall, 223 SW 2nd St, Corvallis, OR 97333. The entrance door is right next to the New Morning Bakery.
Thanks much and all best wishes,
Best Regards
Jon Sharp, President Corvallis Guitar Society