Corvallis Guitar Society Events in March 2025

  • Our next Guitar Society Meeting is on Monday March 3rd (first Monday of the month) at Odd Fellows Hall and will begin at 7:15 pm; free and open to the public.
  • James Bishop Edwards is our Featured Artist guitarist, and he is going to perform at 7:20 pm: He has been a performer, teacher, composer and recording artist for over 35 years 😊
  • Isaac Engel will be running the Ensemble Session; He provides three of the music scores all from Andrew Forrest that are accessible to you – one of the pieces we are replaying from the January CGS, and two of the three have recordings of the ensemble pieces you can play with.
  • The Open Stage is an opportunity for anyone to play classical guitar music – beginners, intermediate, and advanced!
  • Oregon State University Event: World-class virtuoso Adam Levin visits Oregon State University for an hour-long recital. You can visit this on March 7th at 7pm, and the details are listed on this lower down.

Our next monthly meeting is on Monday, March 3rd , 7:15pm – 9:15pm
Venue: Odd Fellows Hall, 223 SW 2nd St, Corvallis
Free & Open to the Public

The Agenda
7:15 – 7:20 pm Welcome
7:20 – 8:05 pm James Bishop Edwards is our Featured Artist Guitarist 😊
8:05 – 8:15 pm BREAK and Refreshments
8:15 – 8:45 Open Guitar Ensemble: See below for the Guitar Ensemble music – everyone is welcome to play in the group!
8:45 – 9:15 pm Open Stage: beginners, intermediates, and advanced guitarists are all welcome to come and share their music with us.

James Bishop-Edwards has been a performer, teacher, composer and recording artist for over 35 years. He plays not only the rich and varied traditional repertoire, but also his own compositions and contemporary genres as well.  James plays historical instruments of the Renaissance and Baroque periods such as the five-course guitar and eight-course lute.  He was head of the Guitar Department at Southern Oregon University in Ashland for several years, and previously on the faculty as Guitar Instructor at California Polytechnic University in San Luis Obispo.

James has over twenty recordings to his credit, which feature his arrangements of American and European classics.  Six books of these arrangements have been published by Mel Bay Publications.  A few of his many performance credits include: featured artist at the 1999 and 2005 La Guitarra California Festival, the Santa Barbara Arts Festival, Richard Schneiders’ Lost Mountain Guitar Festival, and soloist with the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra and Jefferson Baroque Orchestra. He has also worked in duo with vocalists, flutists, violinists, etc. and in collaboration with theatre and dance companies as composer/performer. James’ current activities include composing new works for guitar, collaborative concerts with various ensembles, and working on a historical compendium of American guitar music.
–  Bravo 😊

Isaac Engel is running the Open Guitar Ensemble in which anyone is welcome to participate. When you look at the pieces, decide which part you wish to play, and maybe let Isaac know ahead of time – his email is [email protected] and bring the music with you to the Guitar Society meeting.

The first two pieces here are both in the Forrest Ensemble Series No. 3: Cupararee and Janet’s Thumb Jig, so you can click on this and observe Number 2, and Number 4:
Score and Parts:

2. Cupararee or Graysin (G. Coperario) arr. Andrew Forrest
Notes: This piece is a nice and easy one! Coperario is an early Baroque period composer and musician in the English court who changed his name from Cooper as Italian music became more popular, so we’ll play this in a stately manner. Parts 3 and 4 are accessible to any skill level.

4. Janet’s Thumb Jig – Andrew Forrest
Notes: This is not an easy piece! We’ll do our best to play it at the lively 80bpm tempo, but we can adjust as needed. It’s a very fun bit of lively music. Part 3 is probably the easiest.

Che Farò Senza Euridice – Christoph Willibald Gluck arr. Andrew Forrest
Score and Parts:

Notes: We are bringing this piece back by players’ request! Just a reminder that this piece is for five guitars, so please email me at [email protected] to coordinate parts, so we don’t miss any by mistake. Parts 1 in a higher position and 4 in first position have the melody. Parts 2 and 3 provide the harmony and pulse, and Part 5 places the bass line into a drop D tuning. The recording provided is very useful for practice, and I also want to share my favorite performance of the original music from the Irish National Opera with you

2. Cupararee or Graysin (G. Coperario) arr. Andrew Forrest

4. Janet’s Thumb Jig – Andrew Forrest
Recording: none.

Che Farò Senza Euridice – Christoph Willibald Gluck arr. Andrew Forrest
And you can also observe this performance as mentioned above:

The Open Stage at the Corvallis Guitar Society monthly meeting is available for anyone to play their own music featuring beginner, intermediate, and advanced. So, bring your guitar and plan on performing a piece 😊

The Guitar Program Lessons will return and start performing in January this month by Isaac Engel, and Jacob Ripley.

The After School Guitar Program is free and open to the public. Focusing on mid and high school students, the goal is to raise their awareness and understanding of the guitar instrument by featuring group lessons, private lessons and ensemble music.
Jacob also provides Community Beginning Lesson for people of all ages, so anyone can come for this lesson.
Feel free to come along and meet up with Jacob and Isaac at their sessions if you are interested.
For more information contact Jacob on [email protected]  or phone 541 357 2513, or contact Isaac Engel [email protected] or phone 971 718 4535 and you can view his website:

Times are as follows:
The First Monday on March 3RD at Odd Fellows Hall – Isaac Engel
6:00pm to 7:00pm is the After School Guitar Program (group lesson and ensemble)
The Third Monday on March 17TH  at Odd Fellows Hall – Jacob Ripley
7:00 – 8:30pm is the After School Guitar Program group lesson & the Community Beginning group lesson.

Entrance to the above events is free and open to the public (donations gratefully received). Location: Odd Fellows Hall, 223 SW 2nd St, Corvallis, OR 97333. The entrance door is right next to the New Morning Bakery.

March 7, 7pm in Community Hall Room 303 (FREE/ DONATIONS ACCEPTED): World-class virtuoso Adam Levin visits Oregon State University for an hour-long recital. 
Praised for his “visceral and imaginative performances” by the Washington Post, prize winning and Billboard top-charting classical guitarist and recording artist Adam Levin has performed on four continents across the globe.

March 13/7 PM/PRAX: the OSU Guitar Ensemble presents their winter concert, featuring music from Brazil, opera, and Broadway.

OSU Guitar Ensemble – Winter Concert |

March 16, 3pm, Community Hall room 303: OSU student Jacob Ripley gives his graduating recital.

Thanks much and all best wishes,

Best Regards
Jon Sharp, Director Corvallis Guitar Society